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Monday, 2 January 2012

Its Monday, What Are You Reading

Its Monday, What Are You Reading is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at Book Journey. This meme is a list of the book(s) that we read last week, what book(s) we are currently reading and what book(s) we plan on reading next.

Book(s) I Read Last Week

Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (review here)

Book(s) I'm Currently Reading

Seventeen-year-old Alex is hiking through the wilderness when it happens: an earth-shattering electromagnetic pulse that destroys almost everything.

Survivors are divided between those who have developed a superhuman sense and those who have acquired a taste for human flesh. These flesh-hunters stalk the land: hungry, ruthless and increasingly clever.

Alex meets Tom, a young army veteran, and Ellie, a lost girl. They will fight together and be torn apart but Alex must face the most difficult question of all: in such a vastly changed world, who can you trust?

Book(s) I Plan To Read Next

Renowned naturalist Joseph Banks is about to set sail with Captain Cook on a voyage of discovery to the other side of the world. He will encounter many wonders, but none as captivating as the elusive woman with green eyes who haunts the woods near his home.

Two centuries later, John 'Fitz' Fitzgerald stumbles on a portrait of a woman with curiously striking eyes. Who is she?

Fitz has lost too much, the convictions of his youth, the belief that he will die a famous man - and Gabby, the love of his life. But out of the blue, a call from Gabby has brought it all rushing back, and plunged him into a mystery that at once repels and irresistibly intrigues him.

Now, Fitz is in a dangerous race to solve the puzzle of the Conjuror's Bird. And the woman in the portrait holds the key.


ShadowsTomes said...

I have Ashes and I cannot wait to dive into it! I hope you enjoy it! Happy Reading!

Sunnysmileqt said...

Ashes sounds really good. I think I will be adding it to my TBR. Good luck on your reading this week and thanks for stopping by my blog!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

Ashes looks sooooo amazing! I am pretty sure I have it but mine has a different cover. I loke your better ;)

Unknown said...

Just hopping through! Looks like you've had a great list of books!
Check out mine at
And enter to win in our 12 Days of Christmas Blog Event!


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

Ashes is a new-to-me title that sounds promising. I'll be watching to see what you think!

Anonymous said...

I hope i can read Ashes soon! been delaying it for months now.

Happy reading!

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